Review Article
Ángela Novoa-Echaurren, Alejandra Canales-Tapia, Linda Molin-Karakoç
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 1, Article No: ep561
Rapid technological developments have heightened global interest in pedagogically sound uses of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education. However, universal principles for ICT integration need to better align with the local realities of teachers and schools for optimal uptake. Using Chile and Finland as case studies, this research summarizes, appraises, and synthesizes literature on teachers’ ICT uses before and during the pandemic. Adopting a ‘glocal’ framework (Manca et al., 2021), the study identifies local and global trends in ICT uses, including potential research shifts that carry implications for both theory and practice. A systematic literature review was conducted to examine Finnish and Chilean teachers’ ICT uses as reported in studies across five databases. The search was limited to peer-reviewed, English-language publications over a thirteen-year period and yielded 26 high-quality papers that were analyzed using meta-aggregation. Findings reveal that the reported ICT uses depended on the research methods employed to study these where qualitative studies documented innovative uses and quantitative studies more traditional uses of ICT. During the pandemic, research shifted to focus more on teacher experiences with Finnish studies highlighting positive ICT-related experiences and Chilean studies negative experiences including teachers’ lack of training and practical issues. Based on the findings, recommendations are given to continue to enhance ICT integration both locally and globally.
Keywords: ICT integration, pedagogical uses of ICT, systematic literature review, COVID-19 pandemic, Finland, Chile
Research Article
Charles Buabeng-Andoh
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp. 272-288
Technology is perceived as a vital driving force for contemporary education. The Government of Ghana acknowledges the relevance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, and it is financing ICT in secondary schools. However, most instructors are unwilling to integrate ICT into their teaching. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence secondary school teachers’ ICT usage in schools. The participants were 376 teachers randomly selected from 24 public and private schools. The data collected from the participants were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results showed that teachers’ use of ICT was still confined to basic and traditional activities such as search for information, class presentation etc. Internal and external factors were found to influence teachers’ ICT usage. Also, female teachers reported that they use ICT more than male teachers. In general, this study has contributed to the literature regarding teachers’ pedagogical use of ICT in secondary schools and also their gender differences in the use of ICT.
Keywords: Public and private schools, Pedagogical use, Expectancy value model, Secondary school teachers